The Brig - December 2023

The Brig - December 2023

A Word From The Minister....

I often get asked how long I've been in ministry for. Since our last magazine, I've sailed past the four year mark as minister in Erskine ...though it doesn't feel like it. In some ways it feels like more. The pace of change we have seen in four years has been astounding - particularly going from a low tech in person service to hi tech multi platform live streams every Sunday! We have seen plenty of challenges Covid being a massive one, but also amazing opportunities to co-operate in outreach with our neighbouring churches. In that time we have sadly lost some dear friends at the church, but happily welcomed new ones who have become members.

In other ways, it feels like just a few short months, or two years at most. I was sharing with a friend recently that the pandemic seemed to create a black hole of time, where it seemed like an other worldly experience that we aren't sure where to place in our memories. The other effect has been a bit of a loss of time. So many plans and visions had to be shelved as we learned to survive to get through it all.

And so, in many ways it feels as though only this year we have started the engine of ministry again to get some momentum. But I hope you agree it really has started. We have many of our regular links back with our youth organisations through the week. The Hub continues to be a vital meeting point for our community through the week. We have launched two new boxing outreach programs, one to the high school and one for the community in the church hall. We worked together to raise funds to replace our failing projectors and screens, meaning our sanctuary will be future proofed for some time to come. We have begun to appoint new elders starting with our treasurer Marion and looking to further develop how we lead the church in the coming year.

But perhaps above all, even though we cant always all see it or perceive it, God has continued to work by leading us, growing and developing our folks in their Christian walk, and even drawing new folks - from all over the world - to join our fellowship.

Advent is a time we celebrate waiting the arrival of the birth of our Saviour. Time is in His hands with hindsight it is heartening to be able to look on the last couple of years as seasons of waiting, followed by movement.

Maybe this is relevant to you. Does God have you in a time of waiting, which may not be comfortable? Or, has that time come and gone, and perhaps it is now time for movement into what God is calling you to?

As we close out this year, let me assure you of my prayers for God's guidance, and
His goodness to be with you and your loved ones in the coming year.

Every blessing


The Brig - December 2023 Edition

Download this months edition of the Brig by clicking on the button below.

Any submissions for the next issue should be sent to Aimee at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. by the 20th of January 2024.