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Church Groups

Our faith encourages us to reach out in various ways, and the life of faith is about so much more than just worship on a Sunday. We look to be a community that cares about and improves people's well-being, enjoyment of life. We also look to meet people's needs wherever we can. Below is a variety of ways we practice this.
Line Dancing

Line Dancing

Our Line Dancing group is a great way to have fun, socialize, and stay fit while making new friends. Everyone will be made very welcome, from complete beginners to seasoned dancers.

Mondays at 7pm

JAM (Jesus and Me)

JAM (Jesus and Me)

J.A.M. (Jesus And Me) is a worship group for adults with learning disabilities and autism which meets in the Hub on the first Sunday of the month (September to May) from 6.30pm to 8.00pm.

The group is a joint mission with Inchinnan Parish Church and members from both churches work together to run the group. J.A.M. is affiliated to Prospects across Scotland, a Scottish charity dedicated to enabling people with learning disabilities to be included in worship and to hear the good news of Jesus in ways that they can understand more easily. At J.A.M. we present a Bible message through singing, Bible stories, prayer, drama, and crafts and enjoy time together with friends over tea, coffee and cake. We also enjoy occasional trips to the bowling at Braehead when we have fun together. Members of the group are encouraged to use their gifts by participating in the activities if they wish but they can also sit and listen if they prefer to. If someone has medical or support needs, we ask that they be accompanied by a carer or support worker.

Members make a monthly donation of £1 per session towards the funds of the group. For more information about Prospects across Scotland, visit their website at or to enquire about J.A.M. contact the church email address at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

First Sunday of the month September to June in the Hub from 6:30pm until 8:00pm

Hatton Boxing Classes

Hatton Boxing Classes

In these classes you will learn the basics of boxing, get a challenging workout and enjoy a sense of achievement with your classmates. The classes are one hour, each Wednesday at 7pm in the church hall, and combine a mixture of cardio, strength, tabata and endurance exercises for a demanding but unforgettable workout. Classes are 14+ and £5 per session.

Click here to find out more.

Toddlers Group

Toddlers Group

Our toddler’s group is a great opportunity to for kids and grown-ups alike to socialise. The group meets every Wednesday from 9.45am – 11:30am. Entry is £3 per week and includes a snack for kids, and a hot drink and biscuits for the grown-ups.

Wednesdays @ 9:45am

The Guild

The Guild

The Church of Scotland Guild is a movement within the Church of Scotland which invites and encourages both women and men to commit their lives to Jesus Christ and enables them to express their faith in worship, prayer and action.

With around 15,000 members, the Guild is one of Scotland's largest voluntary organisations.

Our Guild meets in the church on Wednesday  afternoons from 2pm to 4pm between early September and Easter. The meetings begin with a short time of worship followed by a varied programme of speakers and activities built around the theme for the year.

The theme for the 2024/25 session is Let’s Build a House and more information about the programme will be published later in the year.

The Guild also supports a number of projects both at home and abroad with fundraising and prayer and there are opportunities to hear about their work.      

Our meetings are open to both men and women and there is always time for refreshments and a chat with friends or to meet some new people.

A warm welcome is extended to everyone and for more information, please contact Effie Gillies, Secretary at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

For more information visit The National Guild at

Every Wednesday @ 2:00pm in the Large Hall

Boys Brigade

Boys Brigade

Boys Brigade provides opportunities for children and young people to learn, grow and discover in a safe, fun and caring environment which is rooted in the Christian faith. Over 20,000 children and young people get involved every week. There’s something for every young person whether it’s camping or kayaking, first aid or five a side, music or crafts.

Anchor Boys Fridays @ 6:15pm

BB Juniors Fridays @ 6:15pm

BB Company Fridays @ 8pm



At Erskine Parish Church we host Girl Guides from age 4-14.

Rainbows welcomes all girls from 4 to 7 years old for play, learning and tons of fun in a colourful, safe space.

Rainbows Tuesdays @ 6.15pm – 7.15pm

Brownies welcomes all girls from 7 to 10 years old for nonstop fun, learning and adventure.

Brownies Mondays @ 6.30pm - 8pm & Tuesdays @ 6.15pm – 7.45pm

Guides is a relaxed, welcoming space where you can have fun, learn and be yourself with good friends from 10 to 14 years old.

Girl Guides Tuesdays @ 7.30pm – 9pm

Areas to Serve

We are always on the lookout for willing volunteers to help our busy service areas, so if you think you'd like to get involved in any of our busy teams here are the contact details.

Junior Church

Contact Elizabeth McDade at [email protected] or Aileen Robb at [email protected]