Our Organistion
At Erskine Parish Church, our commitment to faith is not just about worship; it's about fostering a community deeply rooted in service, connection, and spiritual growth.
Central to our mission is the organisational structure within the Church of Scotland, which empowers us to fulfil our purpose with clarity and unity.
Find out more by clicking the headings below.
At the heart of our church is the Kirk Session, a body of elders chosen to oversee the spiritual and practical aspects of church life.
Usually a Core Group Leader, they help make decisions to take the mission of the church forward.
Committed to shepherding the congregation, the Kirk Session provides guidance, support, and takes responsibility for governance in the congregation.
Our new, smaller Kirk Session is also the board of trustees who manage the church's charitable responsibilities.
Meet The Team

David Nicolson, Our Minister
Rev. David Nicolson has been serving the Erskine Parish community since being inducted to the role in 2019. His roots in the Gaelic-speaking Isle of Lewis have shaped both his character and his ministry, fostering a deep appreciation for tradition, community, and the spiritual journey.
Before answering the call to ministry, David gained a BA in English Studies and had a career in broadcasting. These previous experiences have enriched his ability to communicate effectively, making his sermons both relatable and impactful.
David holds a Bachelor of Arts (Hons) from Highland Theological College. This academic foundation has not only equipped him with a solid theological
understanding but has also inspired a commitment to intellectual exploration and a desire to connect faith with contemporary challenges.
Trained in the Church of Scotland since 2015, David's ministry extends beyond the traditional pulpit. He can be found regularly contributing to Gaelic religious broadcasts for the BBC, offering spiritual guidance to a broader audience. At Erskine Parish, he fosters an inclusive and vibrant community where faith is not only practiced but lived out in daily life.
As a member of the Crossreach board, he actively contributes to initiatives that promote social justice and community welfare. His role as a chaplain to Renfrew FC exemplifies his dedication to providing spiritual support beyond the ecclesiastical setting.
David is married to Victoria and they have three children, Finlay Autumn and Isaac.

Wiiliam McGregor, Session Clerk
I have been an elder of the parish since 2000 and Session Clerk since 2018. The Session Clerk acts as an administrator to the Kirk Session, freeing the minister to concentrate on spiritual and pastoral matters. The role also includes supporting the Elders in their role and dealing with external organisations and queries. The Session Clerk is the senior office-bearer of the church and with the Deputy Session Clerk, Treasurer, Roll-Keeper and others, is responsible for looking after the church’s finances, buildings and the well-being of the congregation.
Although Glasgow born, I’ve spent most of my life in Erskine, moving here with my family when I was 3 and apart from 10 years working in the Midlands, I’ve lived here ever since.
I’m in my mid-fifies and work full-time in Glasgow. During services, you will normally find me working the audio-visual equipment at the back of the Sanctuary.

Stuart Boyne, Deputy Session Clerk, Safeguarding Co-ordinator and Convener of Worship Team
My duties as Deputy Session Clerk include supporting the Session Clerk,Minister and Treasurer with ongoing administration in the church.
I also support our Safeguarding Co-ordinator with matters relating to Safeguarding issues ensuring that we remain compliant with all regulations.
I am convenor of our Worship Team supporting the Minister and arranging andleading worship with other members of the team when the Minister is onholiday or when he has other duties with other congregations. (ie, Interim Moderator)

Marion Menabney, Treasurer
I was appointed Treasurer in 2022. The role has a wide range of duties, and I am still learning about the variety of activities that are required to keep the church running smoothly. There are so many members of the congregation that do so much behind the scenes, it’s humbling.
I am also a Guider in the church’s Brownie and Guide units. I stayed to help when my daughters were young and four granddaughters later, I’m still there.
In 2023 I retired after a long rewarding career in social housing. I’m loving every minute of it although I’ve yet to experience the leisurely days I was expecting, the days still aren’t long enough.

Helen Hambleton, Hub Team Leader
I'm the current co-ordinator for the Hub Coffee shop.
On a Sunday you can usually find me sitting with the choir, or with the worship team assisting in taking part in the service when the minister is on leave.

Alyssa Macdonald , Communications Assistant
As the Communications Assistant, my role is very diverse. A few of my roles include looking after the church’s social media, receiving intimations about what is happening in the church and compiling these as I create our Order of Service for Sunday services, and designing and creating our magazine called The Brig, which is distributed around the time of communion.
You might also see me at meetings or our Hatton boxing classes as I take minutes, help design posters, and take pictures of events.

Elizabeth McDade, Children & Families
As Elder responsible for this area of Church life my aim is to support and encourage with the help of my team the organisations and individuals within our Church family.
My background is in Early Years Education where I enjoyed being part of a team working with children and families within our community.